Love on the Road (Whole Lotta Love #2) Read online

Page 13

  Silence fell as her voice tapered to a halt. She took his hand and pulled him through the trailer to the bed. “Sit, Steve.” A gentle push on his breastbone reinforced her words. “Please.”

  He sat, shoulders slumped, hair rumpled, frustration and despair written large across his face.

  Lissa dropped to her knees in front of him. He opened his mouth to speak, but she raised her hand and pressed a finger to his lips. “Shhh.”

  It was past the time for words, past the time for apologies or explanations. Past the point of fearing the fire Steve had ignited in her heart. It was time to show him where her head was, where her thoughts were going, and exactly what he meant to her. Perhaps she could sort it all out in her own mind while she was at it.

  She didn’t know. All she could see was a man who had come to mean more than she could imagine to her. And he was in pain.

  Her hands went to her shirt, slowly unbuttoning it. Lissa took her time, noticing his eyes following her movements. The touch of the air against her skin felt good and she stripped it off her arms, tossing it to one side.

  Steve swallowed, but remained still, although his fingers twitched a little as they lay either side of his thighs on the bed.

  Lissa unzipped her pants and stood, letting them slip down over her thighs, her calves and eventually pool around her ankles. She stood before him, nude but for her panties and bra, and kicked the jeans away.

  He blinked, a pulse beating fast at the base of his throat. It got even faster as she reached behind her, unsnapped her bra and let it fall. She felt no shame, no embarrassment, just the desire to show him—her longings, her needs, her naked emotions.

  She knelt once more, pushing his thighs apart. He was hard, a solid length trapped by his jeans along his leg. Gently, Lissa wrapped her fingers along his arousal, cupping it through the fabric, stroking it and bringing a sigh to his throat.

  She glanced up at his face.

  Steve’s eyes were burning as he gazed at her, his eyelids heavy with passion and his face flushed. He gulped as her fingers found the button at his waist and freed it, pulling the zipper down carefully and seeking the rigid treasure hidden within his briefs.

  She struggled, biting her lip with annoyance at the unyielding stiffness of his pants. That sooo wasn’t the stiffness she was after.

  Steve moved, raising himself up enough to slide both jeans and underwear off his body and down around his ankles.

  She answered his help with a quick smile and untangled it all, tossing it over to the growing pile of clothing on the floor. His shoes and socks went the same way, and Lissa almost groaned with pleasure as she slid back between his legs and felt the heat of his bare thighs against her body.

  His cock was swollen and aroused, a velvety length of pleasure she cradled in her hands like fine china. Lissa moved closer, and Steve sucked in a breath as she dropped the lightest of kisses on the purpling head. She teased him with little touches of her tongue, butterfly brushes against the ridges and ripples along the entire length of him.

  He was musky-sweet, unique, a scented flavor she wanted to inhale, devour and feast upon.

  So she did.

  Grasping the base of his cock, Lissa opened her mouth and slid her lips over him, always slowly, always gently, letting his heat fill her mouth and rest on her tongue. She pulled back, her saliva slicking him, making her return a smooth glide of soft tissue over hard silk. Twice more she sucked him in and out, only to have him groan and lay back on the bed.

  Now she had full access. Now she could really show him some of the pleasure he’d shared with her. She began to move in a rhythm she knew pleased him, her hand sliding towards her mouth as her lips lowered as far as she could go on his cock.

  Her movements creased then stretched the fragile skin, and when her teeth gently grazed the long vein beneath, he gasped, hands gripping the sheets tightly.

  The grip became even tighter when she released his cock and lowered her head, seeking with her tongue for the soft velvet sac that rested in the shadows between his thighs.

  Dappled with hairs, it tickled her as she softly licked her way around his balls, mindful of the sensations the merest breath would cause. One hand continued its delicate stroking, keeping Steve’s cock alert and ready. The other stole behind the precious jewels beneath her mouth to the softest part of him, the sensitive skin that hid so many nerve endings.

  She pressed, a light touch at first, then stronger, as she daringly opened her mouth wide and suckled his balls, letting them nestle into the heated wetness.

  Steve’s body moved, a shivering tremor that made Lissa’s heart sing. This was a wonderful experience—pleasuring a man beyond all thought of anything but how high she could take him.

  His thighs hardened against her body as she touched him, made love to him with her mouth. A drop of liquid spilled from the tip of his cock, wetting her fingers and letting her know he was responding to every single move she made.

  She lifted her head and licked at the tiny slit, tasting him, his come, his heat, all blending into the distinct taste that said “Steve”. She would never, ever forget it.

  Her hair brushed his thighs as she moved her body, rubbing against him simply for the pleasure of skin against skin, warmth against warmth.

  She bent to his cock once more, but felt a hand thread through her hair and tug gently on her scalp.

  She looked up to meet Steve’s gaze as he stared at her down the length of his body. What she saw took her breath away.


  From the first second Lissa had started undressing, Steve had realized he was lost. Every move she made started a slow burn in his balls that flared through him, every touch of her mouth, every flick of her tongue, every caress of her hands seared his soul.

  It wasn’t harsh, it wasn’t demanding—it was loving, and he knew they were headed someplace neither had anticipated, nor wanted.

  And now he couldn’t wait to get there.

  He’d toppled back onto the bed for so many selfish reasons. She needed room to work, to do what she so obviously wanted to do. And he needed to look away from her if he was going to hold onto any control at all and not blow up into her mouth.

  That still seemed likely, especially when the heat of her tongue first touched his balls and then he felt the incredible experience of having them drawn into her mouth. There was no way Steve could hold the groan inside. It erupted from someplace near his damn toenails, a sound of exquisite pleasure and need.

  He blinked moisture from his eyes, squeezing them shut as this woman cherished his cock, licked at him like he was the finest gourmet lollipop, and showed him the side of Lissa she’d hidden so well all the time they’d been together.

  Is this Lissa or the real Melissa? he wondered for a moment as his mind drifted on a haze of bliss. Was this the sexually demanding, free-spirited and adventurous woman? Or was this the girl who simply wanted a man to love?

  She was a contradiction. A liberated soul who sought freedom to express herself and her desires, and yet she washed up the dishes and put them away. She could wander through a sex party with wide eyes and open mind, yet for all her talk of letting loose, she’d touched nobody but him.

  Didn’t I do the same?

  Her mouth closed over his cock once more, and he knew he couldn’t control himself much longer if she kept this up. It was his turn. Time for him to be honest with her, to let his body show her how he felt.

  He reached for her hair and pulled, easing her away from him and meeting her gaze. Her blue eyes were soft and lit from within by her passions.

  They took his breath away.

  Chapter Fourteen

  For a second or two, Steve drowned in Lissa’s eyes. Then he tugged on her, sliding her from her knees onto his body. Her soft breasts brushed his naked thighs and he tore off his shirt, desperate to feel them crushed to his chest.

  She smiled and helped, freeing his arms from the sleeves, ending up lying on top of him, her pussy grinding
down on his already close-to-exploding cock.

  He stared at her again, her face so close to his, glowing with excitement and the simple happiness of being in his arms.

  He wanted her. Wanted to devour her, hold her, fuck her and love her. He knew her, inside and out. He shared her desires, felt her emotions and adored her body. They had so much in common, and enjoyed their differences. She was unique, unlike any woman he’d ever met in the past.

  And so he kissed her.

  He forced himself to take his time, to let his tongue explore the softness of hers, the hardness of her teeth, the slickness of the inside of her mouth. He breathed her in, a light floral scent mixed with woman. Her scent.

  One hand held her head against his as the other stroked up and down the length of her spine, sliding beneath her panties to cup her buttocks and then tracing back up her body.

  She was all heat and woman beneath his touch, breasts pressed between them, nipples hard as he deepened their kiss. She was a wave of sensual pleasure rolling across the sands of his skin, rippling and moving in a caress that spoke so much more loudly than words ever could.

  He pulled his lips from hers and reached down, pushing at the panties, wanting all of her naked and on top of him. He smiled as she wriggled, finally kicking them away.

  Holding her close, he looked at her face once more. This time it wasn’t Steve’s eyes that were moist, it was hers. And as he stared, they overflowed, a drop of pure sensual joy falling onto her cheek and glittering against her white skin.

  He couldn’t stop himself from reaching up and touching it with his finger. So warm. He tasted it, tasted the salt of her tears and the sweetness of her need.

  Lissa whimpered and buried her face in his neck, kissing him with swift pecks to his chest and under his ears. She nuzzled him, finding a nook in his neck that fit her nose just right.

  Steve held her closer and rolled her. Now he could speak to her. Not in words, but in deeds. He was discovering a silent language with Lissa. One they both could understand.

  And he was stunned at the realization.

  Pale against his sheets, her body went willingly with his, ready for him, wanting him, her hands reaching for him even as they moved. He lifted up, taking his weight on his hands and settling his cock so near to her pussy that he could feel the heat as it radiated from deep inside her.

  It melted him.


  It was Lissa’s turn to stare at Steve.

  His brown eyes were full of emotions, his face no longer a mask of casual interest or sexual desire. He let her see his feelings, the pleasure she was sharing with him and his need to express so much that could not be said.

  She rested, content, his weight a delicious pressure on her abdomen as he held himself above her breasts and looked at her. Really looked at her.

  Her skin heated and chilled under his gaze, and she knew her nipples were taut buds, longing for his lips. He knew it, too. With delicate precision, he bent and licked one, a swift swipe of hot wetness, gone too soon. But before Lissa could draw breath to sigh, he was back, this time ringing the hard peak with heat and finally lowering his mouth to suckle her, pulling her deep into his mouth where she so longed to be.

  A shot of electricity arrowed down her body to her loins, and she shuddered at the force of it.

  Steve did it again, this time to the other breast, and Lissa bit back a cry of sheer delight. But he didn’t stop there. He kissed her everywhere. He licked her everywhere. He buried his face between her breasts and gently nipped the delicate skin he found there, laving the hurt with his tongue and moving on.

  Always moving, always touching.

  He became a blur, an all-encompassing sensation of soft lips, hard body and wet tongue. He found her sensitive places and made others jump with pleasure. He touched her in the wake of his caresses, hands stroking, soothing, arousing her all over again.

  Her navel received attention, and she shivered and laughed as he tickled her, teased her, then loved her with skillful precision. She tensed as he slid lower, knowing she was wet, so wet, and aching to feel him at the core of her body.

  Lissa parted her thighs wide, offering herself. A silent invitation, a baring of her most intimate secrets. There was no hidden sexual agenda, no wild and crazy lust for new experiences. Just a simple here I am. Take me.

  The sensation of Steve’s shoulders nestling between her legs was a delight all its own, but as he dipped his head and found her hot and swollen folds, Lissa flew to new heights.

  With slow care, he began a leisurely voyage around the hills and valleys of her pussy, lapping at her juices, spreading them over the skin in a sizzling slick of desire. He encouraged her clit to come out and play, swiping his tongue around it, teasing it, stopping just short of the moment that would tip her over the edge. She could feel his breath, the rasp of his chin, the occasional graze of his teeth. He cherished her pussy with the utmost attention to every single move, and before too long had passed, Lissa felt an exquisite pain, a screaming desire for him to go that last yard, to push her off into the whirlwind of her orgasm.

  She trembled, sighed, moaned and couldn’t keep her hips still. Steve solved the problem by sliding his arms under her thighs and then clasping them tight against his elbows, bringing his hands over the top and back to her pussy where he pulled the folds apart.

  She cried out as the air hit her clit, and once more as his tongue plundered the hot honey flowing from her body. He buried his face in her, inhaling, then breathing out, just that simple act an arousal all its own. She could not withstand this sort of loving, not without breaking very, very soon.

  Not surprisingly, Steve sensed it. He lifted his head from between her legs and dropped a light kiss on the top of her mound. Once more their eyes met and she knew.

  It was time.

  Strong arms lifted her thighs, and she bent her legs, resting her feet on the bed. But he didn’t stop there. He pushed, raising her thighs even more, sliding them up and over his arms, following them with his body as he raised himself onto his knees.

  He stopped when her ankles touched his shoulders, knees almost straight, the heat of his skin burning the backs of her legs. And when he positioned her in front of his cock, he looked at her once more. And smiled.



  His body shifted, sliding towards hers, nearer and nearer until she wanted to scream at him to fill her, complete her, just do it.

  But the look on his face held her silent. He radiated pleasure, the excitement and thrill of finally sinking into her, making them one as his cock entered her darkness. He was hard, so hard and big that she felt every single inch of him as he pushed her pussy lips apart and entered her hot darkness.

  Wet and ready, there were no checks to bar his way, and Lissa felt her muscles stretch to take him, all of him, a perfect match of male to female, a perfect fit of man to woman.

  In this position, Steve could go deep, more deeply into her than he’d ever gone before. But after this loving, Lissa knew he was already deeper by far than she’d ever realized a man could be.

  His cock thrust against her womb, but his spirit, his soul, was thrust someplace else, someplace that had been empty and dark until this moment. Until this man. Her eyes blurred with tears as he began to move, leaking from her eyes in soft rivers of passion.

  She’d never been fucked like this before. And in that instant she realized she’d never been loved before.

  Then he pressed against her clit and her brain shut down all conscious thought, focusing solely on the inexorable climb that had begun what seemed like years ago with the first touch of his lips on hers.

  Steadily Steve thrust, stroking her inner silk with his cock and her body with his hands. The abrasion of his groin against hers was an added pleasure, each touch a stimulus, each withdrawal a pain to be endured until the pleasure returned.

  Lissa was so ready that her neck arched within moments of his penetration, and she
was only dimly aware that he was panting as he claimed her for his own.

  It built, a sharp tingle in her spine, an overwhelming onrush of heat. She was coming, coming…trembling…almost there…

  Steve buried himself inside her and groaned, a deep resounding roll of thunder from the depths of his lungs.

  It was too much. Lissa erupted, a shriek pushing past her lips and tears of ecstasy flooding her eyes. Wave after wave of orgasmic shudders rolled over her, fed by the throbbing pulses she could feel inside. His balls were emptying their precious cargo into her most secret places, filling her, sending her off the cliff on a wild flight through stars, fireworks and strange universes where time didn’t exist.

  Her breath caught, her body convulsed and she rode out her orgasm with an abandon she couldn’t have imagined in her wildest dreams.

  Steve moved, pushing himself even further into her soul and the spasms continued, softer and more gentle this time, but still clamping around his cock, still milking it, still demanding all he had and more. Lissa had no clue how long it lasted, she was lost in the void, letting her body lead the way, blindly following through fields of pleasure and delight.

  Oh, my God…


  Steve’s world shifted as he felt Lissa’s inner muscles wrap around his cock, holding it, holding him a willing prisoner. With her ass resting on his thighs, her legs either side of his head and her hot, wet pussy so close to his body, he could explore her in new ways.

  He slid deep, letting her juices welcome him and her inner walls embrace him. The mere touch was almost enough to shoot him off like a rocket, but he clenched his teeth, determined to prolong this intimate exchange, this oddly gentle and sensual lovemaking.

  The whimpers and moans she made were music to his ears, echoed by the shudders of her body. And they struck an answering chord in him, as need billowed up from his balls to his eyebrows. He withdrew and then returned, biting back his own cry of pleasure as the head of his cock brushed against her womb.


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