Love on the Road (Whole Lotta Love #2) Page 7
She looked up from where she was opening her own burger.
“I’m hungry.”
Lissa frowned and waved at the food. “So eat already.”
“Give me your panties.”
“You want to eat my panties?” She gaped at him.
“No. I want you to take them off and give them to me. Here. Now.”
Lissa’s spine tingled. She looked at Steve. His voice was rough and his eyes were all heat and lust. In spite of his outrageous demand, she was hooked. “Okay.”
She carefully slipped her hands beneath her skirt and tugged down her underwear, keeping herself beneath the cover of the picnic table. “You’re going to need extra ketchup with those.” Keep it light. Keep it fun. Remember, this is what you wanted—to play games with a man. To explore—stuff.
“Good.” He took the small bundle of silk and crushed it in one hand, eating a fry with the other. “I don’t think this scenery is really helping my appetite.”
“Oh?” She raised an eyebrow. One of the things she liked best about Steve was his ability to surprise her. She wondered what was coming next. She shifted, her naked ass pressing into the hard seat.
“Yeah. I’d like to see something more…attractive.”
“Ah.” She sipped her soda with hands that trembled just the teeniest bit. “And that would be…”
“You. On my truck. With something out of that bag from the toy store.”
Lissa swallowed down a lump of excitement along with a huge gulp of soda. She coughed. “What?”
Steve quirked an eyebrow at her. “Risky, isn’t it?”
She knew a challenge when she heard one. “Yeah. It is.”
Lissa stood up, ignoring Steve as she pulled out the toy from her bag and slipped in the batteries Millie had so generously thrown in for free. “Will this do?” She threw his challenge back at him. If he thinks I’m going to back down…
“It’s up to you. Just give me something to look at.” He sounded casual enough, but she could see the pulse at the base of his throat as it throbbed rapidly.
Lissa lifted the hem of her skirt and let him get a good look at her as she tucked the vibrator into the top of her stocking.
Steve shifted on the bench.
She walked the few steps to his truck, putting an extra swing in her hips knowing his eyes were on her. I wonder how fast that pulse is beating now? With a little difficulty, she hoisted herself onto the hood, still warm from their recent trip. The bare metal touched her naked backside as she flipped her skirt out of the way, and she choked down a moan of pleasure. Plus a prayer of thanks this wasn’t a truck with a hood ornament.
The vibrator made a lump in the fabric of her skirt, on the side away from the road. There were cars, not many, but enough to make her very aware that she had to be careful here. No point in getting arrested while trying to prove a point.
She lifted her head and looked at Steve. “Got a good view?”
He took a bite of burger and chewed it thoughtfully. “Could be better.”
She could’ve sworn she heard him choke down the food. Gotcha. She was sooo gonna drive Steve wild.
Slowly, she wriggled to the edge of the hood and let her legs dangle over the radiator. Latent heat swirled around them, and she kicked her shoes away. She wouldn’t need them.
With infinite care, her hands fell to the hem of her skirt and she began the agonizingly slow process of pulling the fabric upwards—further and further upwards—until she knew he could see her pussy.
Staring into his eyes, Lissa spread her thighs wide. “Can you see okay?”
This time, he didn’t answer. He just nodded, gaze dropping to that exposed point between her legs.
“Good. Sit back and enjoy the show.”
A car passed, its muffler loud and harsh. Lissa fought not to turn her head and look at it. She didn’t need to see faces pressed against the windows—watching her.
Steve’s face was enough.
She loved the constant challenge, Steve’s ability to show her her own limits and then push her past them—it was exciting, arousing and everything she’d ever dreamed it could be.
No. It was more. More than she’d hoped and more than her wildest imaginings.
Carefully, she lowered one hand to her pussy and stroked the soft folds. “Mmm. I’m hot already. Can you tell?”
She glanced up under her eyelashes at Steve. His face was expressionless, but a small muscle twitched in his cheek. He was sooo hers.
Another car—followed by a truck—the sounds were disconcerting, pulling Lissa out of the moment and into reality. Someplace she didn’t need or want to be.
“I need to cool off a bit.” Keeping one hand moving delicately across her clit, Lissa unbuttoned her shirt, lingering over each loop, each tiny fastener, until the two sides of her blouse were hanging loosely down from her shoulders.
Cool air brushed her skin, and she shivered, waiting for her arousal. Which seemed to be taking its own damn time.
Shaking her shoulders, she bared one breast to the world. “How am I doing so far?”
There was no answer. Steve’s food remained untouched in front of him on the table, and he watched her as if he could devour her with his eyes and provide all the sustenance he needed.
She laughed. This was power. This was control. She was in charge, for the moment anyway, and it went to her head like a shot of powerful brandy.
Lissa pulled the vibrator from her stocking top and twisted the handle, turning it to a low hum. Imitating the way Jennifer had used it, she stroked herself in a rolling sort of motion across her clit—and froze.
Fuck. That thing really works.
Tiny sparks of sensation flared from the spots she touched, heating her pussy in seconds and shuddering through her clit.
A flock of birds broke free from the nearby forest and soared overhead, their calls once more distracting Lissa. Her body responded, but this time to the surge of adrenaline the interruption had caused, not the thrumming of the vibrator. Shit.
“Don’t stop.” Steve’s harsh command broke the silence. “Don’t stop for anything. I don’t want you to stop until you come.”
She threw her head back and stared at him. “I don’t intend to.”
What she had intended was to have a very nice orgasm, thank you, and make that man her slave while she was doing it. But Lissa hadn’t counted on not being able to get her head in line with her body. The wetness was there, the tingles were there, but her frickin’ orgasm wasn’t. Double shit.
She refused to give in. Not with him in front of her.
“Watch me, Steve. Don’t take your eyes off me for anything. Don’t stop watching me until I come.” She challenged him with his own words.
“I don’t intend to.”
Well, hell. That tied the score. Now what?
Maybe a little penetration would do the trick. Lissa slid the head of the vibrator down between her pussy lips, smoothing her juices around and generally doing all the right things to produce a healthy climax.
Which just wasn’t frickin’ happening.
Okay. I can handle this. Women handle this situation every day. Exhaustion, stress, kids…whatever…
With care, she pressed inwards, letting the buzzing toy find its way into her fiery heat. Risking a glance at Steve, she saw him lick his lips.
So far so good.
A fire truck chose that moment to blare its way past them, screaming sirens making Lissa’s ears ring. It shut down what remained of her arousal as efficiently as a bucket of cold water.
But Steve was still watching. She hesitated, wondering if she should just call it quits. But that would be surrendering—admitting failure. Nope. Not an option.
Okay, it’s show time.
Lissa let her body fall back slightly, giving him a great view of her hand as she worked the toy deep inside herself.
She panted. She moved her head from side to side, and reached again for one breast. D
amn it, my hand’s cold.
She managed a couple of realistic moans as she pulled the vibrator out and plunged it back in again. The thing was persistent, maintaining its hum and shimmy no matter how she used it.
She was so far away from hitting any kind of peak, that the only thing she really wanted to do with it was sling it at some goddamn bird. But she had a goal. And Steve was still watching.
Concentrating on the job at hand, Lissa moved her hips and thighs in what she privately considered to be a very acceptable squirm. She parted her legs as wide as they would go, flashing just about every single critter in the woods, and probably a couple of migrating geese on their way south for the winter.
She moaned, and sighed, and did her damnedest to duplicate the movements that her body created on its way to orgasm. She gritted her teeth, closed her eyes and threw her head backwards in what she hoped would appear to be a paroxysm of ecstasy.
It had a lot more to do with frustration than fucking. She was screamingly furious at herself, her body, the vibrator, Steve and a civilization that insisted on driving noisy cars down freeways. Thus interrupting the orgasm she planned on giving herself, and the good time she was supposed to be giving Steve.
Here goes nothing…
Using every muscle below her molars, Lissa clenched her body tight and gasped out an “Oh, my God”, relaxing then clamping again, using a technique that would probably make whoever invented Kegel exercises dizzy with joy.
She figured doing this several times in a row ought to convince Steve she was having a helluva good time, plus provide the added benefit of extremely well-toned inner musculature. She’d give new meaning to the phrase snappy pussy.
Eventually, however, she let the tremors recede before her toes cramped, or her fingernails left dents in the hood. She doubted he’d appreciate damage to his “baby”, regardless of the method in which it was inflicted.
Pulling the vibrator stickily out of her pussy, Lissa sighed. What a fucking waste.
A knot of anger boiled up her throat at her own inability to come on command. And with a highly technological device that was supposed to frickin’ guarantee it, too.
She swallowed down her fury and straightened her legs, peeling them off the grille as she wondered how deeply the automobile logo had imprinted itself on her calves.
Ah screw it. Shit happens. At least Steve had gotten his show. She glanced over towards her audience.
The picnic table was littered with food wrappers and sodas, and her shoes lay untidily between her and the bench. Her underwear still sat in a crumpled bunch of fabric next to the empty box of fries. There was only one thing missing.
Goddamn. Godfuckingdamn!
“Why the fuck did you leave me out there like that?” Lissa bubbled with a mix of fury, frustration and rage. Added to the embarrassment of doing her best acting during a fake sex scene, one that probably had all the animals watching giving her a standing ovation, and she was royally pissed-off.
“I was looking for some mustard for my burger.” Steve was matter-of-fact, ignoring her anger.
Holding her hands out to the side, Lissa was speechless. A rarity in her life.
“Hey, you seemed to be doing okay out there.” Steve found the mustard and nodded in approval.
“But, you fuckhead, you told me you wanted to watch me come!”
“Yeah, but you didn’t.” Steve stared at her.
“I came. Weren’t you watching?” Lissa faked it better than most. She knew it had looked pretty damned impressive.
“I can tell. That wasn’t real.”
Lissa could feel the temperature rising in the trailer. She was busted. Shit. “How could you tell? What the hell makes you think it wasn’t real?”
Steve grabbed her arm and tugged her in front of him. Her back rested against the counter. “Because I lived with a woman that fucked everyone but me. With me, she faked everything. Her emotions, her feelings—everything I felt was real. With her it was just an act.”
Steve was furious now. His neck bulged, veins protruding and some kind of passion buried in the skeleton of his being began to take form. As if the pain made him shed the skin hiding his weaknesses.
Lissa suddenly realized she was getting to him.
As he merged his mouth to hers, Lissa buckled. The pressing force of his body took her breath away with this desperate lust-filled kiss.
She tried to push him off to catch her breath but Steve wouldn’t back away. His cock pushed out from his confining pants. Letting her go, he reached across the countertop and scattered the glasses and bottles across the trailer. The shattering glass echoed in the quiet of the night. He grabbed Lissa’s waist and lifted her onto the cold, bare countertop.
She leaned to kiss him again and Steve forced his arms between them and groped at her blouse. Ripping it open, he ignored the buttons as they ricocheted off the walls in the narrow space.
Lissa was wet, scared and incredibly aroused. Steve was a beast at this moment, revealing a side of him she’d never seen or even suspected. But her own desires craved this part of him, this raw animalistic treatment. She gasped when Steve grabbed her breast and suckled down on the tight nipple. Her fingers found the back of his head and raked through his hair.
Steve’s hunger and lust took over. His mouth lowered to her stomach and Lissa knew where he was heading. She leaned back into the wall, spreading her legs apart, guiding his descent. Her skirt slid up her legs, exposing the glistening folds of her throbbing sex.
She knew now what had been missing on the hood. The realism of a man craving her, and the feel and touch of hot hands groping at her flesh. It was the simplest of needs, emotion. A connection to another human being.
Steve pulled at her legs, moving her torso to the edge of the counter. The plaid skirt hung over the edge and Steve kneeled down, admiring her.
Lissa closed her eyes, moaning as he slid his finger inside. His hot breath made her pussy melt, and she shivered. “Do it, come on, do it.”
The deep growl from Steve shook her to her soul, and he began to devour her pussy. Ferociously attacking it with his tongue, he let his finger slide back and forth inside her and nuzzle his mouth over her firm clit, totally aroused and wanting attention.
“Ohh, fuck, ohhhh, Steve…” Lissa twisted her hips, trying to force him to eat her even more. Steve was toying with her. Making her pay for the show outside. He twisted his finger around like a screw as she felt the tightening of her inner walls against the skin of his finger.
With a gentle bite, he found her clit. Lissa bucked her hips and moaned as Steve sucked her clit in and out of his lips.
Pulling back, Steve hesitated.
Lissa opened her eyes and let his head loose from her grip. She stared at him.
The look on his face branded itself into her brain. His eyes were glazed and the rage burning in his veins surrounded him almost like an aura of flames. He stood up breathing heavily, his glare cutting Lissa to the bone as he struggled to get his pants loose.
Lissa reached to help and together they freed his swollen cock. She wanted him so much she could taste it, feel it, cry from the need of it.
His pants fell to his ankles and she grabbed him, urging him towards her soaked, hot opening.
Steve’s eyes looked crazed and confused as he grabbed Lissa, holding her ass and lifting her off of the counter. Keeping his balance, he forced them both against the wall.
Lissa’s neck arched as Steve impaled her with the rigid hardness of his cock.
Steve groaned and his teeth pressed against her shoulder. Agony and lust mixed in his heart. He began to pound in and out, his strong arms holding her up and his hands digging into the soft cheeks of her ass. He wanted to sink deep into her, and even deeper—to someplace she’d never felt.
“Look at me. Look at me.” It wasn’t a request.
“Oh…oh, Steve, I-I’m…oh, God—” Lissa’s eyelids dro
oped and Steve could sense the onrush of her rolling orgasm as it shook her.
“Look at me, dammit. I want to watch you come. Look at ME!”
Her legs tightened around Steve’s hips as she struggled to focus on him.
“Oh, fuck, I can’t hold this.” Steve shook his head trying to shed the beads of sweat that were trickling down his face. His straining body screamed at him, knotting and clenching from the pressure building so fiercely inside.
Lissa leaned close, licking at his forehead. She lapped at the salty perspiration from the heat of their sex.
Steve looked into her eyes. His own eyelid twitched as he rose to the cusp of his peak. Hell, every muscle he possessed was starting to twitch.
She began to shake, her sex convulsing as Steve plunged deep, forcing her mercilessly back into the hard wall.
“Oh, fuck…” Steve burst inside Lissa. He pressed his head against her.
Lissa held his head tightly and let her muscles milk him, clenching, releasing then tugging at him once more. His desire for this woman had ridden him hard, taking him into this place of explosive release.
There was no pretending this time—this was sex at its purest. Emotional, feverish and fulfilling.
He rested his forehead against her breastbone. His breathing slowed, his heart relaxing. “Promise you won’t fake anything with me, Lissa. You’re the only real thing I have in my life right now.”
A long silence followed Steve’s words as they both eased down from the incredible high.
Lissa’s legs had slid from his waist to the floor and she supported herself, but his hands wouldn’t let go of her ass. He didn’t want to separate them, to let his cock fall away from her heat.
“Steve…” Her voice was quiet, almost soft as she moved against him a little.
“Yeah.” He finally pulled away, his cock dropping from her body on a flood of moisture.
“Oh, shit.” Lissa blinked up at him as the realization of what they’d done dawned on him, too.
“Fuck.” There had been no condom. No protection—for either of them. “God, Lissa. I’m sorry.”
Lissa swallowed. “Don’t be. I’m just as responsible as you are.” She straightened her spine. “I’m on the pill, so you don’t have to worry about getting me pregnant. And…” She looked at him challengingly. “There’s no reason for you to believe me, but I’ve been tested. I’m clean. It’s part of my annual physical. A woman can’t be too safe these days.”