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Anasazi Fire Page 8

  His cock was soaked with her hot honey, a blend of desire and mountain rainwater that mixed with his own arousal. He wanted to fuck her, to lose himself inside her for a week or two and then repeat the process ad infinitum.

  This time it was Web who moaned as her body clutched at him, hungry for his invasion. “I want you. I want to fuck you.”

  “Yesss…” She groaned out the word, forcing his fingers deep, thrusting her clit onto his wrist and grinding down.

  She was nearing her orgasm and Web wasn’t sure what to do about it. He wanted to be the one to bring her to the peak, but he wanted his cock inside her while it happened.

  He wrenched their bodies apart and spun her around, her hair flying every which way and scattering droplets of the water, which still pattered down on the rocks around them.

  “Fuck me, Midge. I want to be inside you. Be with you. Shit, babe…let me in…”

  She cried out as she lifted her thigh to his hip. “Yes, Web. For God’s sake…now…”

  Web thrust forward, choking back a cry of his own as she enveloped him in slick boiling moisture. He rammed himself into her welcoming darkness, aware that she was tensing around him and in his arms even as he entered her.


  She screamed out his name and his heart swelled within his chest.

  Then their world collapsed beneath them and everything went black.

  Chapter Four

  “Oooooowww…braaaackkk…” Midge coughed and hacked and opened her eyes to see nothing at all. “Fuck. I’m blind.” Her head ached where she’d whacked it on something, her body was tingling and shuddering and she had the distinct impression that she might have just orgasmed and missed it.

  And she’d been enjoying such a lovely erotic fantasy about Web too.

  “You’re not blind. Unless both of us are. It’s just pitch-black in here.”

  Midge froze at the sound of a man’s voice. A very familiar voice. Holy shit. “Hello? Web? Is that you?” She reached out in the darkness only to touch something warm and solid. She jumped.

  “Of course it’s me. Who did you think was fucking you? You screamed my name out very satisfactorily before we fell into…wherever we are.” He sounded mildly irritated.

  She cleared her throat. “Just to get the facts straight here, you really were with me under that waterfall? When I was…er…”

  “There was no er about it. You were doing it. With me.”

  “And you were there? Really?”

  The sigh was loud and masculine. “Yes. I. Was. There. Okay?”

  “Oh dear.” Midge wanted the ground to open up and swallow her whole. No wait, it just did that. Perhaps it would obligingly do it again. She buried her face in her hands and groaned. “Oh deeeeear.”

  There was another sigh, this time a rather exasperated one. “I’m thinking that this is not the time for an attack of maidenly modesty.” Noises and scrabblings near where she knelt told Midge that he was standing up. “Ouch.”


  “Low ceiling.” He paused. “I just whacked my head on a lump of rock, which shouldn’t be there. We fell down, right? Therefore, up should be the way back to the waterfall.”

  Midge nodded in the darkness, then realized he couldn’t see her. “Yes. And, now you come to mention it, there isn’t any water here. It should be wet. There definitely should be puddles or streams or something…” She tentatively put her hand around her, feeling sand, gravel and—“Aaargh.” Something moved beneath her fingers.

  “Let go of my foot.”

  “Sorry.” Midge struggled from her knees to a sort of standing position, staggered and instinctively reached out to regain her balance, grabbing the first thing that came to hand.

  Web muffled an odd squawk. “You can let go of that too. If we get out of this, I might need it later.”

  Thankful he couldn’t see her blushing, Midge removed her hand from his cock. “Sorry again.”

  “Don’t be.” A low chuckle followed her words. “I like your hand on me. I want other parts of you on me. I want to disappear into that tiny tent with you and not come out for about a week or two.”

  Midge’s jaw dropped. “You do?”

  “Duh. Yeah. I do indeed.” His voice came from a slightly different direction as he explored their location. “I thought you’d have figured that out by now, you being so smart and all and me begging you to let me fuck you…”

  “Don’t be sarcastic. I thought you were a dream.” Midge gently moved away from him to find her outstretched hands touching hard rock. This time it was cold and non-human. She breathed a sigh of relief.

  “Dream about me a lot, do you?” His tone was amused and seasoned with a dash of totally male satisfaction.

  “No.” She clamped her jaws shut with a force that made her teeth clash and her ears ring. “Only when I run out of batteries for my vibrator.”

  “Tsk tsk, Professor. That’s a whopping great fib.”

  Midge let her hands trace a path to the right, carefully checking the sandy floor beneath her feet as she closed her eyes and allowed her other senses to map the room or cavern or whatever it was they’d dropped into. “Web. Shut up for a bit, will you? I’m trying to concentrate here.”

  There was a small snort and then silence, broken only by the sound of two people stumbling around in complete blackness. Inevitably, given a tiny enclosed space, their perimeter investigations brought them to the same place.

  “Uhh…” Midge jumped and gasped as strong hands brushed against her breasts.

  “Mmm.” The hands turned, squeezed, stroked and fondled affectionately.



  “What the hell do you think you’re doing?”

  “Taking advantage of your confusion and disorientation to cop a quick feel?”

  “I’m not confused or disoriented. Stop copping.”

  There was a large sigh and the hands reluctantly left her breasts. “You’re no fun.”

  “Fun?” It was a screech, but at this point Midge didn’t care. “You want fun? I’m perfectly capable of having fun. But I have to say that since we’re someplace we shouldn’t be with no apparent way out, the idea of fun isn’t at the top of my list of things to do right now.”



  There was a chuckle. “Okay. Sorry. Bad timing. Let’s see if we can find some way out of this damn hole. We know the walls are solid. Perhaps there’s a crack at the top or something. I mean we got in here somehow…we should be able to get out the same way.” He was quiet for a moment. “Do you feel any air? Any draft?”

  Midge froze. “You’re worried about us running out?”

  His silence was answer enough.

  Midge redoubled her efforts, letting her fingers dapple lightly over every single nook and cranny she could reach. She was absolutely not going to think about the fact that their supply of breathable oxygen might be running out.

  She was not going to even consider the possibility that perhaps the two of them were well and truly trapped and their bones would dry out to mummified skeletons before they were ever found.

  Of course if they were trapped, then she promised herself she was going to use the last of her air up while fucking what was left of the brains of Web Jones out his eyeballs. They would expire joined together. And wouldn’t that amuse the hell out of whoever discovered their bodies?

  DNA testing would probably…


  Web’s voice pulled Midge from her nightmarishly arousing fantasy. “What you got?”

  “I’m not sure, but it feels like carvings of some sort. I need the expert here.”

  Heart pounding with excitement, Midge stepped toward the sound of his voice. This was one area where she knew she could deliver the goods. She might want Web’s body in the worst way imaginable, but that was a fantasy.

  Getting them out alive—that was reality. Everything else could wait.


  He could almost hear the throb of the blood through her veins as she neared him. Web had no clue why this particular woman aroused him so, but she did. Fact. It happened—he intended to deal with it. Right now, they needed to get out of this damned hole so that he could get into—well, okay, to be blunt about it—another hole.

  His cock was still aching, richly flooded with the memory of her silk wet velvety clasp around his aroused length. He hadn’t come before they’d fallen into wherever it was they were and like any normal functioning male, his head wouldn’t quite snap into gear until he’d relieved his other head.

  He sighed and bit down on a pang of lust as her body heat seared his arm. She stopped just short of touching him, which was probably a good thing since he might well have exploded at any more tactile exposure to that soft skin of hers. He’d punished himself with his caresses, needing to know she was there, wanting to explore all of her body and seriously lusting for her to be squirming beneath him as he plundered her.


  Anywhere you want baby. “Huh?”

  “The carvings? Where are they?” A hand brushed his shoulder.

  “Oh those. Here.” He slid his arm through the darkness and found hers, folding their fingers together. He raised them both to the place on the wall where he’d found the odd indentations. “Feel them?”

  He could hear strands of hair brushing her shoulders as she nodded, a whisper of movement loud in the silence around them.

  “All right then.” Gently he eased his fingers from her hand, regretfully pulling away.

  There was no noise at all for a moment or two other than their breathing. Hers a soft intake of breath as she blindly allowed her fingertips to “read” the carvings. His a more muted rasp, redolent with heat and need and lust for the woman so close to him—and so fucking naked.

  He swallowed. “What do you think?”



  Perhaps he could take her as she stood there, just slip up behind her as he’d done under the waterfall. Perhaps he could tuck his cock between her ass cheeks and explore her little anal muscles for a bit…play around with her, arouse her until she was soaking wet and willing to take him any way she could get him.

  His cock jerked painfully, balls hard and taut as the images flooded his brain.


  He damn near jumped out of his skin. “What?”

  “Got something. I think.” She shuffled her feet a little. “Come here. I want you to feel this and see if you agree.”

  Obediently, Web stepped to where her voice was coming from.

  “Now stand close behind me and put your hands over mine. Then we’ll reach upward. I want you to feel one particular set of carvings…”

  I am going to die. Right this minute, I am going to expire from unfulfilled orgasmic pressure.

  Her back tucked neatly into his front as he pressed himself against her. His cock quickly snuggled into the cleft of her buttocks.

  She cleared her throat.

  Web shrugged. “You’re naked. I’m naked. You turn me on. Deal with it.” He thrust a little with his hips for emphasis, knowing he was brushing sensitive skin. For additional emphasis he dropped a light kiss on her shoulder.

  Midge moaned softly. “Shitshitshitshit.” Her ass swayed sensually, encouraging him, massaging him—it would only take a second to…

  “Web. For God’s sake…” She choked out the words. “Please. One of us has to concentrate here…”

  He didn’t sob although he was closer than he’d ever believed he could be. “Okay. But I reserve the right to continue this…” he thrust once more, “discussion at a later time.”

  “I second that motion.” She groaned out the words. “God.”

  “So what am I supposed to be feeling along with the creamy silk of your body…”

  “Oh Web. Creamy silk?” She almost turned, her ass caressing his cock and making him bite back a shriek of need. “Ahem.” Midge cleared her throat. “This. Here.”

  Carefully she guided Web’s hands to the wall in front of her, incidentally pulling him absolutely snug against her spine. There wasn’t room for a mote of dust to slide between them.

  Grinning painfully, Web let his weight lean forward, sandwiching her between him and the wall. Or—as he rather whimsically found himself phrasing it—between a rock and a hard-on.

  “There. Do you feel it?”

  He had to really focus for a moment or two to remember what she was talking about. Then, beneath his fingertips, he felt more shapes, indentations, manmade depressions in the rock wall.

  In spite of his lust, he was fascinated and he relaxed for a second or two, just touching the carvings that had been incised so very long ago. “I feel…I feel a squiggle? No wait…several squiggles…”

  She nodded, almost taking out his lower jaw in her excitement. “Yeah. Like hieroglyphics. I think they’re Navajo or possibly Anasazi.”

  “Cool.” Web continued to explore. “I feel several squiggles and then above them a v-shape. Inverted. Sort of like a mountain maybe…”

  “I think you may be right. The squiggles could be water. Water from the mountains.”

  Web’s fingers moved higher than Midge’s could reach. “There’s more up here. More indentations. Small ones. Four of them. And a large circle.”

  “Damn…I can’t …”

  “Wait a second.” Web bent down and put his hands around her hips then straightened, lifting her off her feet.

  “Oh better. Thanks.”

  Now her ass was pressed into his chest and he could lick the base of her spine with just a tiny bend of his head…

  “Did you just lick me?”

  “Nope. Not me.” Web shook his head as he lied through his teeth.

  There was silence for a few more moments then she breathed quickly. “Okay. I think I have it. You can put me down.”

  Web, lost in the scent of her skin and her pussy, barely heard her.

  “Web. You can put me down.”


  “Put. Me. Down.”

  “Oh. Yeah. Sorry.” He lowered Midge back to the floor.

  “Right.” She sounded a little shaky around the edges of her voice. “As near as I can figure it, this chamber opens when somebody stands on that rock we were on. Actually, it takes two people, hence the four little depressions you felt, which represent feet. And, of course, there has to be water falling from the mountains. Quite a unique set of circumstances.” She sounded rather pleased with her interpretation. “We could be in a sort of kiva, a ceremonial chamber…”

  “That’s nice. How do we get out?”

  “Well, that’s not quite so clear…” Midge paused. “But I think it will re-open when the waterfall diminishes. There was a circle with only one squiggle and the circle was open. Does that make sense to you?”

  He sighed. It sounded a great deal more like wishful thinking than hard science. But there was a note of desperation in Midge’s words. What else could he do?

  “Yeah. It makes sense.” He stepped back a little. “So all we have to do is wait until the waterfall drops down to a trickle and then something will slide back and let us out?”

  “I think so.” She gulped, a rough noise that told Web how uncertain she was. “Are there any more glyphs higher up?”

  Web leaned in once more, just enjoying the feel of her as he reached for the wall. “Nope. That round open one is the top one.”

  “Good.” She sighed, her body rising and falling with her breath. “So all we have to do is wait.”

  “Okay.” Web blinked at the darkness. He wished he could see her. But lacking sight, he had to rely on his other senses. One of which was touch.

  He reached out and let his hands find her shoulders, tracing her arms down to her elbows and then her wrists, turning her so that as near as he could tell she was facing him.

  “Now…while we’re waiting, there’s something I’d like to discuss…�

  He pulled her hands into his and rested them against his belly, sliding them down so that her fingers ended up around his cock.

  He smiled as they curved naturally into place. “I think we should explore—some more of our surroundings. Don’t you?”

  Chapter Five

  “I…er…” She was holding Web Jones’ fabulous cock in her hand. Any logical, rational thoughts had just taken a walk down some side street or other and gone into a bar for a beer.

  She was left with a head full of the most decadently divine images inspired by the feel of that superb length resting in her palm. Without the benefit of light, Midge had to rely on touch, sensing the shape and dimensions of him through her fingertips just as she had “read” the carvings on the wall behind them.

  This time though, there was little—if any—effort required to translate what she was feeling. De-luscious! He was heavy and solid, skin surprisingly delicate and fragile beneath her touch. It slid delightfully over the steel of his muscle, delineating the veins and ridges that individualized his cock.

  Midge wondered for a moment if they were all unique—if a man’s cock was his masculine fingerprint, as different from the next one as his DNA or his retinal patterns. She closed her eyes and breathed in, letting the fragrance of his body add to the picture her mind was creating.

  Sweet and male, his scent soared up into her brain and filled out some of the blank spots on her mental painting. She saw once more the curve of his lips as he smiled at something or other and recalled the way his eyes lit up with humor and—possibly—desire.

  She ached to see his face, to see what he would look like as she held him. Was he closing his eyes? Was he looking down, vainly hoping to see her hand wrapped around him?

  Experimentally, Midge moved, letting her fingers stroke the length of his cock, finding the ridged head swollen and hot to her touch. She sensed the ripple that coursed through Web’s body and definitely heard him suck in air as she let her fingers reverse their move, sliding down to the coarse curly hair.